Tuesday, September 8, 2020

3.4 Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure, A Day I Will Always Remember  

10 years ago I was sitting in a hired car waiting for my escort to compete my currency exchange in Luxor, Egypt while I watched a woman covered in black exiting the ally. Behind her was pile of garbage that reached the second floor balcony. I thought her face was covered and that she was possibly the wife of an Iman. But, I realized she was covered in flies . I was mortified and asked the driver why is she coming out of the garbage, "She has no father, brother, son, or husband" he passively responded. 

I had hit a point in my life that I found I had spent all my time and energy on my four sons, husband, mother, and siblings. After that day 10 years ago I decided "I will not eat trash". What this means to me is that I have to depend on me. Get an education and build my own personal and financial profile.  

So, I sold my school bus that I had been remodeling and bought a ticket to Egypt.  The long and short of it is I had an American friend that had lived in Maddi, Egypt for 17 years and I needed something new as I had never traveled in those first 43 years. So, I sold the school bus that I had been remodeling, got a passport, and flew to Egypt. 

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