Friday, September 11, 2020

3.6 My Last Day as a Trojan

Long dark-blue gown, painted toes and fingernails, curly hair, yellow silky "Class of 2018" sash, dark blue cap, and a blue and gold tassel. It was Graduation Day. It was the day the Class of 2018 prayed and hoped would come after completing all the requirements and grade levels needed at New Auburn School District. 
May 25, 2018, twenty-three of us seniors walked across the risers celebrating our accomplishments. 
The class was counting down the long hard-working school days until the day finally came. That day was pretty hectic I must say, but I will always remember it. "I can't believe we finally did it!" yelled my best friend while hugging me so tightly. My heart felt so warmed and sad saying goodbye to the close teachers and students I've formed a bond with over my years. But my class was so thrilled to be out of there at the same time. A lot of planning goes into the big night. Your head would spin! Awards ceremony, grand march where you parade around the Elementary, Middle, and High School, last lunch together, and preparing and prepping the graduation ceremony. 

As all twenty-three of us stood in line outside waiting for the grand march to start, it was very bittersweet thinking in my head "these are some of the last moments I will be having with this class." Seeing my classmates standing there with their caps and gowns makes me realize how fast time goes. We marched into the school with cheers and clapping coming through the little ones and staff as we high-fived them. Looking at the faces of happy cries and big smiles, I was feeling quite emotional and in a dream.  It was an emotional but exciting moment! Something I would never forget. After we did that, it was time to eat one last lunch together. We had Subway in the commons area of the school. Even eating lunch, I didn't want to say goodbye to laughs and gossiping like high school students. Lastly, we had to prep and practice before going home to get ready. 

Let me tell you, it was quite overwhelming since we had no clue what to do. All of us looked like mice trying to find cheese. It was chaotic. The boys helped with the risers and the girls helped fold the papers for the guests to read. We all set up the chairs. Setting up chairs for my family members got me to some tears. Then it was time to practice! I just remember standing in line backstage waiting for the cue to come walking across the gym floor just nervous as heck. My whole line of classmates was nervous also. I can feel their anxiety as well as mine. Our practice had to be done a few times but it was time to come home and get ready. Getting all ready was crazy, I was feeling anxious. I swear I checked myself in the mirror 30 times! I felt so overwhelmed and excited at the same time. 

Pulling up to the school, my heart raced. When the big moment arrived, it was time to start! I swear I don't remember walking with my classmate for the starting march of the graduation, I didn't want to trip! Standing on the risers was bittersweet and seeing smiles and happy cries come from my family made my heart happy. Speeches were made and I kept on looking at my family seeing them with proud faces made me proud thinking "I did it and I'm about to get my diploma." After our senior slideshow, we all gave out roses to our families and I went over to my parents and my mom was crying and shaking. I teared up and gave her the biggest hug. So with my dad and other relatives. 'Don't Stop Believin' by Journey was playing. My class gave a hug and a rose to a parent who lost their child to suicide and the emotion in the room completely changed. You could feel her pain and some of my classmates were bawling, it was an emotional moment. 

Finally, it was time. I heard my name being called and I accepted my diploma with a huge smile on my face. My family over in the audience crying happy tears. All I could hear is my best friend yelling "That's my best friend!" and so many claps from the audience and class.  It was over, this is the last few minutes being with my class now. We all heard the principal say "Congratulations to the Class of 2018! You all have officially completed the requirements for graduation." 'I Gotta Feeling' by The Black Eyed Peas started playing. The smiles were huge. We did it! We throw up our caps in the air and that was it. 

After taking tons and tons of photos with family and friends, it was time to leave that school for good as a student! You could hear my yell from a mile away. My grandparents came over once I got home and we celebrated the rest of the night. Chocolate, cream puffs, flowers, and balloons. Graduating high school is such an unforgettable moment and experiencing it was something I'll never forget. Also, it was nice to say, "The world is yours now!" 😊 

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