Wednesday, September 30, 2020

6.6 Why I Would Love To Travel To The African Paradise Of Eritrea For My Next Vacation

Eritrea is a cozy East African country located next to the Red Sea. It's capital, Asmara, is like paradise on earth; and this is because of its perfect year 'round temperature of seventy-something degrees, which is due to the high elevation of the city. Whenever I hear stories about Eritrea from my longtime Eritrean girlfriend, I start to romanticize about the country, even though I've personally never visited it. There are current restrictions due to the coronavirus; and The U.S. Department of State gives Eritrea a "Level 3" rating. This is out of their four Travel Advisory Levels which is a warning to "reconsider travel."

A Touch Of European Charm

In the late 1800's Eritrea was occupied by Italy and they invested a considerable amount of capital into the country's infrastructure. Most of the architecture still exists today. The streets are paved with cobblestone; and there are still a plethora of ornate cathedrals to observe. The people either ride bikes or drive Italian cars. Outside of Italy, Eritrea has some of the most exquisite Italian food and beverages found anywhere in the world. Here is what you will find: 

Asmara's Catholic Cathedral Photograph Reuters

  • Pizza
  • Pasta
  • Gelatos
  • Cappuccinos
  • Italian Spirits
Beach Parties By The Red Sea

Most nights are filled with music and festivities at the pristine beaches in Eritrea's beautiful port city of Massawa. People often flock to the Red Sea to enjoy the therapeutic healing properties of the pure saltwater, but others love the parties on the sandy beaches, which go all night under the starry skies. The Dahlak Archipelago, which is a series of islands in the Red Sea, also belongs to Eritrea; and they stand alone as a highly sought-after hotspot for tourism and luxury. Flights to Eritrea currently cost around $1500. Check out our other blogs and consider booking your own flight to Eritrea.
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  1. This sounds like a really fun place to visit! The all year temperature of 70 sounds amazing! The photos you used really added to your overall blog post, good job!

  2. I loved your post about Eritrea! Ethiopia is one of my favorite destinations and there are lots of similarities between the food and culture of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Your post reminded me of the movie "Red Sea Diving Resort." Also, I knew that Ethiopia had an Italian occupation, and there are various remnants of it, especially in Addis Ababa, but I didn't realize that Eritrea also was impacted by the Italians in that time period. Good work...I hope you get to go there sometime soon.

  3. Hello! I love how you chose a country I quite frankly have never heard of. Your images compliment your words beautifully and truly showcase the beauty of Eritrea. Also, your bulleted lists made it very easy to follow along and determine what the most important parts of your were. Great post!
