Wednesday, September 30, 2020

It's Got to be London

It's Got to be London

As a young man in my mid-twenties, I've always wanted to travel and see the world before I decided I want to settle down, and London is the adventure I've always wanted.  I've had many family members travel abroad told me London was definitely worth it. This only excited me more and as a natural adventurer and a free-spirited heart, traveling to the capital of the United Kingdom is at the top of my list.

What about London?
London is one of the most popular and main attractions in the world. The main reason people want to travel abroad is that they want to explore different parts of the world. This includes the scenery, the different cultures, and just the country itself. That is the reason why I want to see London first handed. Most of the main attractions in London are: 

1. Buckingham Palace
2. Big Ben 
3. The Tower of London and Tower Bridge
4. The British Museum
5. The Parliament
6. Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square
7. The Shard
8. Hyde Park
9. Covent Garden
10. The London Eye

Tell Me More UK's Capital
London has such great scenery. Although it is one of the most developed cities in the world, London retains a lot of its vintage looks from the early 1900s. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to be in the places that some of our founding fathers lived? And as we all know it, the vintage feel gives everyone that relaxed vibe that is just so stress-free. When it comes to culture, London is very popular for its verity of arts. This includes its music, museums, theaters, festivals, and its lifestyle. Much like the U.S London also listens to a wide verity of music and hosts multiple music festivals per year. Also, as we know it, there are a few major artists from the UK that we also listen to like Sam Smith and Adele. However, the most popular type of music is classical music and opera. One major attraction that draws travelers to London is also the night/party life. According to the article called The 11 Best Party Cities in the World found on the website published on September 12, 2017, the city of London comes in 10th. When most people think about the word party, they think crazy binge drinking and living like a young adult in college. However, London hosts many types of parties. Events that range from club parties to simple wine-tasting parties. The idea is that there are different niches of parties and there is always one for you.

Although there are so many wonderful places yet to explore, London is the number one destination I would love to visit. UK's capital includes great scenery, has a verity of cultures that are accepted in their community, and possesses multiple types of nightlife to fit your niche. If London is not in your top 10 places to visit, you should highly consider it!



  1. What a great choice! Your use of font and color are perfect. It was all easy to read, and nothing is too crazy. I think both pictures you used were great additions, and the colors in them really complimented each other. Everything is consistent and it was a great read. Great job!

  2. Nice job on color usage. The ordered list could have been an unordered list. I noticed you didn't link to anywhere in the post either. Otherwise I was really engaged throughout the reading. I have been to London and it is a great town! Nice pictures too.

  3. After reading this, I defiantly want to check out London! I really liked your photo examples and how you carried the overall color theme. I really enjoyed this article and thought it was well put together.
