Sunday, October 4, 2020

6.9 Digital Marketing Program

Program Overview

The Digital Marketing program is for students who want to take business to the next level and use technology to showcase their ideas. This allows students to show who they are through their work and use their sense of creativity in designs. Completing the program, students will have a in depth understanding in marketing analytics, digital media/design, and promotions. Our instructors are set on success of students and the skills they acquire to use in future careers such as:


·      Digital Media Specialist

·      Email Marketing Processor

·      Graphic Designer

·      Marketing Representative

·      Print Advertising Technician

·      Sales Representative


Skills that students will gain throughout the Digital Marketing program:


·      Mobile Marketing Strategies

·      Social Media Campaigns

·      Audio/Video Recording and Editing

·      Digital Design Concepts

·      Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

·      Google Analytics

·      Responsive Web Design

·      Basic Coding for Marketers

·      Policies, Laws, and Ethics

·      Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, Dreamweaver, and Muse


Is this a program for you? “Click Here” to start your Digital Marketing journey by applying today!

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