Sunday, October 4, 2020

6.9 Professional Communications Overview

Professional communications overview

The Professional Communications program at CVTC focuses on professional, technical, and business writing. Here you will gain skills in writing for a variety of media and industries; preparing individuals for various careers including:

·      technical writers

·      copywriters

·      editors and

·      grant writers 


Individuals with a Professional Communications degree can find successful careers in Business, government or even non-profit.

Valuable skills you will learn:

·      Document design, production, and management

·      Documentation development

·      Publishing in print and electronic media

·      Rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy theories

·      Social media content creation

·      Visual rhetoric and multimedia composition

·      Web content writing


A New Kind of Learning

Program is completely online, offering our students flexibility and convenience while they learn. Students will receive access to online support and training to help them transition into online courses.

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