Sunday, October 4, 2020

6.9 Professional Communications. You Can Do It!


CVTC's Professional Communications program focuses on professional, technical, and business writing for a variety of media and industries.

A degree in Professional Communications gives you endless career options across multiple industry sectors:

·     Technical writers

·     Copywriters

·     Editors

·     Grant writers

·     Related writing careers in business, government, and non-profit organizations.

Each course takes eight weeks to complete and, students will enjoy earning their degree with the flexibility and convenience of this 100% online program. The format allows anyone the confidence to know they can have a busy life but still conquer their goals!

Throughout this program, you will learn theories and valuable skills:

·     Editing and proofreading

·     Document design, production, and management

·     Documentation development

·     Publishing in print and electronic media

·     Rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy theories

·     Social media content creation

·     Usability testing

·     Visual rhetoric and multimedia composition

·     Web content writing

Past student quote:

"As a non-traditional student with children and a job, I was able to advance my learning here. This program gave me the tools and confidence to fulfill my goals in this career. CVTC is a great place to learn. This program is truly for anyone!"

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