Wednesday, September 9, 2020

3.4 My First Bruins Game

February 1, 2020, is a day I will never forget. I went to my first Boston Bruins hockey game against the Minnesota Wild two days before my 20th birthday with my mom and two friends, Elise and Charlotte.


Rewinding back to Christmas 2019, my parents gave me four tickets to the Bruins vs. Wild game. I was beyond excited, and it was something that I was constantly looking forward to. I’ve been to a few hockey games, but this was going to be the best since it would be my first hockey game seeing the Bruins. Since Christmas and until the day of the game, the excitement I had was crazy! Some may say I was too excited. They aren't wrong. The night before the game, my parents gave me some early birthday gifts to get me ready for the game. They gave me a hat and a jersey of my favorite player. I knew I was set for the game.


The day came and I had never been more excited. I had some homework to due before we went to the game, and that was pretty difficult to concentrate on, but the day went by fast. The drive to the game made everything more real. We had some time to kill before we could go inside the arena. It was the middle of the St. Paul Winter Carnival, and we had time to look around at the ice sculptures across the street.


Our tickets were Club seats, so we had the opportunity to enter the arena early. I felt pretty special being able to be inside before anyone else. It allowed us to start taking the whole atmosphere in early. This time felt much more different than any other hockey game I’ve been to. I can’t explain the feeling.


When the game started, I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning. I can’t explain how happy I was because it felt so good being there especially with friends and my mom. It felt like a huge blur throughout the night, but like I said, I remember it like it was yesterday. The Bruins played some amazing hockey and won the game 6-1. Goal after goal, I screamed my heart out. I didn’t care if I was only one of three Bruins fans in my section, I was so happy.


Driving home that night, I was remembering every detail of that night because it truly was one of the best nights ever, and definitely a night to remember. To this day I still flashback to that night especially if I’m ever having a bad day. “This was the best birthday present ever!” was what I told my mom that night when we got home from the game. Ever since I went to that game, I constantly want to relive that night. It definitely was a night to remember and I can’t wait to actually relive that night going to another game.

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