Belgium, The Place To Be
Belgium, what is the first thing you think of when you hear that? Waffles? That is most likely what you thought of. Belgium is much more than waffles. I have always wanted to go to Belgium just because of the pure beauty behind it. I remember back in high school I was in history class and we mentioned Belgium briefly so I got curious. I looked it up and fell in love with it. From the food to the mountains I always wanted to experience such a thing. There are a couple issues from me going to Belgium. From where I live in Eau Claire, Belgium is 4,152 miles away. Then, I am a young individual who is going to school and working. Thankfully, in high school, there was an opportunity to go to Europe with a teachers organization he ran through the school. On the list were 7 countries in 14 days. On that list was Belgium and that is what I was excited for.
I was 16 at the time and the trip wasn't till I was after I had graduated and 18. At this point had to work hard and save my money for this trip because which 16-18 year old has enough money to go to Europe. Fast forward to the summer of my senior year. I had saved enough to go and I was very excited. I had the opportunity to go and I was just getting into photography at the time. I was a little nervous that week. I had never been on a plane for 8 hours straight before. I was also graduating on a Tuesday and I was leaving for the two week trip to Europe on Friday. I had to prepare. I had a list of what I had to bring to be prepared for the two weeks for taking pictures so I made a list.
- My grandpa's film camera from WW2
- Five rolls of Kodak Porta 400
- Digital Camera
- Extra battery
- All necessary cords and adapters (8 total)
The Trip
The night before takeoff I could not sleep. I kind of wanted to do that so I could sleep the whole 8 hours. The next day I got on the plane and had everything I needed. I was perfectly fine on the trip and that was great. I did not have to worry about that and that was one of my main worries at the time. They say save the best for last but Belgium was the first stop. The first day we settled in the hotel and everyone wanted to relax from just traveling for 18 hours. I had another plan for myself. I was going to wake up earlier than everyone and wander off to take pictures. We were leaving at 8 am so I had to get up at 6 am the next morning. I walked a mile or two into the town and took this picture.
The mountains were so different in real life compared to pictures. I still had to take a picture so here it is. 
The mountains were so different in real life compared to pictures. I still had to take a picture so here it is.

Hey Brandon, that sounds like a wonderful trip! I know what you mean about wanting to go back to places previously visited. I never feel like I've seen enough of any place I visit and always want to come back for more.