Wednesday, September 9, 2020

3.4 Bad Luck Lauderdale

 In July of 2019 I took a trip to Fort Lauderdale, Florida that I will never forget. Traveling to new places with my boyfriend, Andrew, is something we do often; but not well. We are dumb travelers (spontaneous, if you want to call it that). We booked a cheap $60 flight, in the middle of a hot Florida summer, with $250 to our names. What could go wrong?

After our bumpy Spirit Airlines flight, we landed at the small Fort Lauderdale airport. From there, we took an expensive taxi ride over to our "not-as-pictured" hotel where we had to be 25 to check in. We were 21. After begging and pleading with the hotel manager to let us stay, he finally agreed! Being on a 3 hour plane ride had us feeling dirty. We headed up to our room to shower right away so we could go explore what Fort Lauderdale had to offer. I turn on the shower and nothing but a few drops of water come out. As on brand as this could possibly be, the city shut off the water because a main pipe burst! No water for 3 days. Just me, my boyfriend, our B.O, and about $150.

I sat and cried on the sunken-in hotel bed because I thought the trip was ruined. Andrew left the room and came back 15 minutes later with a big bottle of wine and 2 sandwiches. We sat in our dingy room getting drunk and laughing about how funny the "bad luck" situation actually was.

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