Wednesday, September 9, 2020

3.4 Friday the 13th

You know those days when you're just in an extraordinarily good mood? Then something comes along and screws it up for you? It's the worst. 

There I was, sitting in my stopped car, waiting for oncoming traffic to clear so I could turn left onto my road. It was Friday, March 13th. Yes, you read that right- Friday, the 13th. I got off work early, the weather was beautiful, and I could not wait to get home and start my weekend! Life was good. And then she hit me. I blacked out momentarily and I literally had no idea what had just happened...until I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a smashed-up car halfway underneath my SUV

A sweet elderly couple, John and Susan, that lived near me happened to be on their daily walk and saw everything. John came right over to check on me. "My goodness, are you okay? I don't think that girl was even looking at the road. She didn't slow down, she had to have been going at least 40 mph!" I assured him I had no severe injuries, only some neck and back pain, and the police were called. 

We waited for the cops, which took at least an hour. (Apparently Friday the 13th wasn't going well for a lot of Eau Claire, WI.) In the meantime, her husband showed up. I was by myself. Her husband came over to me asking if it's necessary to wait for the police. I told him, "You two are welcome to do whatever you'd like, but I will be waiting for the police." Sorry pal, your wife just totaled both of our vehicles, so yes, I'm waiting for the police. 

The cops came, cited her, and we swapped insurance information. I went through three years of different treatments and therapies for low back pain, torn neck ligaments, and soft tissue damage in my neck. Unfortunately, five years later, I still can't put pressure on the back of my head. So much for being a back sleeper, right? The part that really got me in all of this though, is that she never even said sorry. 

Have you been hit by an inattentive driver? I would love to hear your story below!

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