Wednesday, September 9, 2020

3.6 Where's the Fire?

It is one of the most favorable times out of the school year, it was homecoming week. The week is full of dressing up, activities, and competition between the whole high school. This is what every freshman, including me, looks forward to as it is the first year you actually get to participate in the activities. I was all excited and ready for the first day. My mom took me shopping over the weekend to get some clothes to dress up for the entire week. Little did we know, our life was about to change.

Monday morning, I got all dressed up and ready for the day wearing whatever whacky clothing was supposed to be worn for my class that day. We had our classes at the beginning of the day, and then the fun was to begin. We watched other classes compete, I competed against other classes and the competition was fierce. We completed our activities that were held for that day and we were instructed to go back to our last period classes. For my last period of class, I had science. My friends and I sat at a table and chatted amongst ourselves about what happened that day. Out of our science room window, my house was past our practice football field, but you couldn't physically see the house as there were trees in the way. My classmates and I were looking out the window and could smell and see smoke coming from what looked like the practice football field. I did not question what I was seeing until some of the chatter in the room turned to "I wonder if it's her house." Fear built inside of me, but the others who also couldn't believe it could be my place were in my ear reassuring me I have nothing to worry about. The class chatter stopped as soon our guidance counselor came into the room and called my name and for me to come with her.

As the guidance counselor walked me down the hall she stated they still did not know where the smoke was coming from, but that the town cop was just down the road to fill us in on details. We walked to where the cop was where he then informed me that sure enough, my house was on fire. How could my house be on fire? He had asked me where my mom was and I informed him that she was at work. She had no idea what was going on. I gave him the name of her work and he called the company and asked for her on the line. After he got through to my mom being on the line, he had told my mom that our house was on fire and that she needed to come home. He had given her instructions to not be speeding on her way home as she had about a half-hour drive ahead of her. He finished up his conversation with my mom and let me know that he was given the okay for us to walk down the road towards the house a bit. 

We started walking down the road and the closer we got, the more my heart sank. There was so much smoke that I could not even see the house. The firefighters were gathered in front of it trying to put the fire out. After we walked closer to it for just a few moments, we had to leave and I had to wait back at the school for my mom to get there and let the firefighters do their job. Not being able to see the house, I had no clue what damage was done, but in my head, I could only assume the worse.

I got back into the school and school had just ended, my friends and the parents waiting to pick up their kids had all let me know that if there was anything that I needed that they were there for me. I sat at a table in the commons with my head in my arms, crying. My mom finally arrived and we were able to go back to the house as the crews were clearing up what they could. Waiting for us when we got there was my childhood dog sitting on our dog line chained up barking, scared, but excited to see us, and we were excited to see her. The crews pulled out what they could of our belongings after getting the fires controlled. The house was a total loss, but the items were not. The items can be replaced, I was just happy that no one was hurt. 

It was crazy to think that with all the excitement going around, that such a bad thing could happen. But I did not let that stop me. I was to go live with my aunt and cousin for a while, while my mom had to go in a separate direction and live with someone else until we were able to find another house. Though the fire happened, my mom and I were not in the same house, and the clothing and all of our belongings smelled like smoke, I went to school that next day to enjoy homecoming week, and make the most of what I could to keep my mind off of the tragedy that I was going through.

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