Wednesday, September 9, 2020

3.4 New Puppy

July 15th, 2018, will be a day I will never forget. It was the day I brought home my best friend. Who was this best friend you may ask? She was a small, fiery, smart, cuddly, and cute female golden retriever named Charlotte.

A few months prior I was feeling lonely. I had always wanted a dog, but I was always worried it wasn't the right time. Where would I have it sleep? What would it eat? How would I pay for all the vet bills? These were the pressing question in my mind. I had fostered a dog before through an animal shelter which had prepared and strengthened my want and love of dogs. Pulling me towards having a best friend of my own.

What I did not know, is that while I was still dreaming of having a furry companion, Charlotte, referred to as Charlie, was born on May 18th, 2018. A few weeks later I contacted a local Facebook group inquiring about puppies. I was contacted by the owner of Charlie's mom and found that this owner only breeds because she wanted to give bits of happiness back into the world. Before I knew it, I was traveling three hours north to meet these little golden nuggets and pick out one of my own. 

I will never forget the first time I meet Charlie. She was the first little puppy to come up to me. Only four weeks old, after being held in my arms, she promptly fell asleep. As to say "I am home". She was the littlest of the 12 siblings. Known to be the puppy that constantly wanted to be around humans. She was mine! 

Before I knew it, it was July 15th, 2018. We had arranged to meet halfway for me to pick up Charlie. I had already arranged the kennel, food, treats, vet visits, and gates. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new addition to my family. The car ride felt as if it flew by. I was completely ready to have a new best friend who was always by my side. We arrived at the meeting place and waited with anticipation for the owner to arrive. The owner arrived in a truck and promptly laid Charlie on the grass. Charlie, looking up with her ear perked, ran full force to greet her new owner and mom. The car ride was met with naps and cuddles all the way back to her new home. 

I will never forget this day because it is one of the best decisions of my life. Charlie became my companion, best friend, and she really did save me from myself. Every day following I am so glad we chose each other. It is now more than two years since that wonderful day. Charlie and I can now be found spending most days together. 

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