Monday, October 5, 2020

6.9 Why CVTC Does It Better

 I could not be happier with the Professional Communications program at CVTC. This program has polished my professional, technical, and business writing for a variety of media and industries. Throughout the duration of the program, I have worked on projects that build skills applicable to real-world professional careers such as technical writing, copywriting, editing, grant writing, and other related writing careers. I’ve designed brochures and ads; written grant proposals; written blogs; as well as, proofreading and editing technical manuals. This program has provided fun projects that help me gain experience and develop my skills for the professional world. Because of this program, I am now proficient in theories of rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy; document design, production, and management; editing and proofreading; visual rhetoric and multimedia composition; documentation development; web writing; and publishing. Getting a degree in Professional Communications through CVTC is simple, informative, and fun; and opens up your career options to some awesome possibilities.

Each course takes eight weeks to complete and I have enjoyed earning my degree with the flexibility and convenience of the program being 100% online. I’m a single mom who works full-time and being able to choose when I do my school work is so helpful. 

Throughout this program, you'll learn valuable skills such as:

  • Document design, production, and management

  • Documentation development

  • Publishing in print and electronic media

  • Rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy theories

  • Social media content creation

  • Usability testing

  • Visual rhetoric and multimedia composition
  • Web content writing

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